
WMBC staff are elected by the student body to one-year terms around Spring Break of each year. Specific election details will be communicated to station members closer to each election. Please see our current officers’ bios below, and feel free to contact any of them with any questions you may have about the station!

Sean Jilek - Station Manager

Sean is a Senior Computer Science Major. This is his third year of involvement with the station. He can be reached on instagram @sjilek7, or at

Spencer Woodbury - Assistant Station Manager

Spencer is a Junior Chemical Engineering major. This is his first year of involvement with the station. He can be reached on instagram @swoody372, or at

Wilfried Dim - Chief Engineer

Wil is a Junior Information Systems Major. This is his first year of involvement with the station. He can be reached on instagram @middeko, or at

Jenny Pham - Events Manager

Jenny is a Sophomore Biological Sciences Major. This is her first year of involvement with the station. She can be reached on instagram @jnphamt, or at

Eva Fulton - Creative & Promotional Media Manager

Eva is a Senior Social Work major and Psych minor. This is her second year of involvement with the station. She can be reached on instagram @eva.fulton, or at

Edward Cassedy - Library Manager

Edward is a Sophomore Computer Science major. This is his first year of involvement with the station. He can be reached on instagram @edwardcassedy, or at

Rayyan Tantawy - Personnel Manager

Rayyan is a Senior Biological Sciences & Bioinformatics major. This is their third year of involvement with the station. They can be reached on instagram @rayyan.tantawy, or at

Maddox Alvarez - Liaison/Alumni Chair

Maddox is a Junior Sociology & Anthropology major. This is his first year of involvement with the station. He can be reached on instagram @justtrash123_, or at