
You’ve found the brand-new WMBC Website! We’re obviously still a work-in-progress here – so please pardon our dust, or if you want to help, contact us! We are always looking for additional hands to help us out with important stuff like this website!

This site will serve as the main place to tune-in to WMBC Radio live and to listen to our show podcasts! For more information, head back to our homepage and click on “Shows”. This may not be there yet – like I said, work-in-progress.

Current to-do list is:

  • Add more information to the “About” page specifically about our station’s history. We’d like this to serve as a complete station history from our inception to today. This information is not currently available in one place, and we want to consolidate it here. (This was a to-do way back in 1999, funnily enough.)
  • Figure out a good way to show off our Shows. Could be as simple as a list of links, but that doesn’t look very nice, does it?
  • Validate our podcasting system. Get it integrated with Apple Podcasts and Spotify at the very least.
    • We need to do further research to see if we can publish multiple podcasts under one account – we may not be able to do this without a third-party podcasting host platform. The current solution will nicely integrate with a particular podcast host which offers unlimited podcasts and episodes with any of their plans. Question is, if we can make this happen without having to pay for it.
  • Set up robust roles and user systems. We’d like show hosts to be able to have their own page on the website to customize, without compromising other aspects of the site. This may or may not be possible with WordPress’s access controls.
  • Move to our own hardware. Currently the site is on a private cloud – which is fine, but we will need an on-premises server eventually. Initial tests ran rather frustratingly, but this has been put on the back burner for now, in favor of getting the site up.